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was sold at $30/pound


743.opl  : An opal glass that strikes in the flame and kiln.   With a (relatively) high resistance to thermal shock, 743.opl can be worked hot and fast in the torch flame.  It is significantly stiffer than a typical opaque white glass, making it suitable for sculptural work, bead cores, and stringers.

Working notes:
-743.opl works the same as 740.opl
-To retain the transparent opal effect, reset before annealing and limit kiln temperature and annealing time. I use 930F for less than an hour for misty-opal beads.
-743.opl can be used as a core in place of opaque white glasses. For maximum opacity, anneal at 950F for 2 hours of more. Clear encasement seems to accelerate opacification in the annealer.
The 743.opl’s reset and striking temperatures are lower than that of silver glasses.  When reset, the glass is crystal clear, and when fully struck the glass is opaque white. Variable opacity can be produced by controlling the thermal history of the workpiece.

The Oracle Projectresponsibly manufactured, low toxicity glasses made in the USA, without Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Nickel, or Selenium. Balancing viscosity curves, opacity, tonality, surface tension, and thermal shock resistance, to create glass that is a pleasure to work with in the flame.

The Oracle Project Test Batchesoffered direct from the glassmaker to the artisan in small batches, sold by the pound, wrapped in paper.  Labeled with batch date and formula number, with a suffix to indicate glass family type example, 740.opl.

I have thoroughly enjoyed researching, developing, batching, testing, and using these colors, and it is my sincere hope that these glasses enhance your flameworking experience.
-Jed at Double Helix Glassworks




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