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Oracle ExtraBlack (1/4 lb)

Oracle ExtraBlack; for best results, use a slightly oxidizing flame and avoid overheating.


Oracle ExtraBlack has smooth working characteristics, reads dark even when pulled thin, and does not spread excessively.
 Oracle ExtraBlack is made in USA without Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Nickel, or Selenium.
The goal of the Oracle project create is to create American made, low-toxicity, essential glass colors for the flame. We will be producing colors free from antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium. Oracle Black, Oracle White2, Rhea, Eros, Zephyr and Oracle ExtraBlack give 104 flame workers the option to use responsibly manufactured, low toxicity glasses in their work.


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